Priority to Russian shipping companies |
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The closer the beginning of practical work in the Shtokman project the greater activity shown Western companies seeking to offer its services to «Gazprom» and «Shtokman Development AG». Among them - the delivery of goods by sea for the construction of port handling and processing facility gas liquefaction plant, marine transportation provision. Suffice it to say that only the first phase of construction from Murmansk to Teriberka to be delivered by sea about 200 units of construction machinery, accommodation containers, building materials. Another large-scale marine transportation made when will begin full-scale work on the plant for liquefied natural gas shipping terminals and laying underwater pipeline threads in 2010. The project implementation will require a huge amount of supply of equipment, steel structures, precast concrete and much more. Naturally, it would be unwise the domestic companies to lose lucrative contracts in the Shtokman project. It is no coincidence, President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev during a working visit to Murmansk said that despite the need to attract foreign investment and foreign companies Russia occupy a key position.Naturally, It is also in maritime transport in the realization of this ambitious project. Moreover, in Russia there is a passable holding company with a unique, nearly seventy of experience in the Arctic seas - JSC «Murmansk Shipping Company», which has partnerships with companies such as NC «Rosneft», NC «Lukoil», JSC «Apatite» , JSC «Norilsk nickel», JSC «Kovdor GOK», «SUEKAG», «CarboferGeneral Trading UK», «Eagle Energy AG», cases proved the highest quality of work performed. Arctic experience navigation - unique domainProspects for development of hydrocarbon reserves Shtokman field dictate the need for increased industrial cooperation and integration with Western countries but we cannot forget about their national economic interests the need to assist domestic companies. And it is not only about providing them with opportunities to earn in the process of implementing profitable and expensive contracts. Because the second and third phases of the Shtokman project will be implemented with no «Shtokman Development AG» but domestic companies, which are already in the first phase of construction, should gain experience, practice of modern technology, develop new technology. Over-the leading role of Western countries may lead to crowding out domestic firms from the Shtokman project, inhibited the technological gap and make possible the development of the Arctic shelf of its own. Today, JSC «Murmansk Shipping Company» stated about their willingness to work in the interests of «Gazprom» and «Shtokman Development AG» states and having the opportunity and great experience not only for the transportation of general, liquid, large-size and bulk but also on the construction of hydraulic objects. The shipping company has a wealth of experience to deliver cargo to the unequipped shore fast ice and on the unloading of ships with the equipment, machinery and materials on the roads. There are many examples of the implementation of crews of vessels of JSC «MSCo» unique operations for delivery of bulky goods to partner companies. Among the «fresh» - delivery of equipment for oil field Vankorskogo from Arkhangelsk in Dudinka universal multipurpose vessel type SA-15 "Yuri Arshenevsky" intended for the carriage of general cargo in difficult ice conditions. This is the third large batch of heavy equipment brought to sailors JSC «MSCo» for JSC «VANKORNEFT». The first two have been sending implemented in summer 2007, the joint efforts of JSC «Murmansk Shipping Company» and JSC «Northern River Shipping Company» on vessels type sea-river «Cupid - 2526», «SORMOVSKIY» type and SA-15 "Captain Danilkin. Then the shuttle cargo weighing 200 tons brought from the port of Dzerzhinsk that the Oka, to the port of Dudinka on the Yenisey River to the port of Severodvinsk. On the decks, ships JSC «MSCo» delivered to the vessel lip Ob «Meteor», ships weighing 120 and 70 tons. In spring 2008, there are 25 thousand tons of heavy equipment for JSC «Gazprom», working on the Yamal, was delivered to Cape Harasavey in the Kara Sea and unloaded at coastal ice. 20 thousand tons of fuel oil were delivered to them by reinforced ice-class tankers JSC «MSCo» «Varzuga» and «Indiga». A similar operation on the delivery of goods to the island for the Bolshevik gold mining company conducted with the use of self-reinforced ice-class «Ivan Papanin». More than 650 tons of cargo, including vehicles, shift houses, building materials and 350 tons of diesel fuel were totally discharged on coastal ice. In terms of large-diameter pipes, then there is a unique example, where in 2001 the ship «Viktor Tkachev» brought from Japan to Dudinka for metallurgists «Norilsk nickel», three thousand 12 meters large diameter pipes. This experience may be relevant in the Shtokman project. Indeed, during the construction of only one threads underwater pipeline length of 600 kilometers of pipe-laying on the set of courts would have to deliver 50 thousand pipes in length of 12 meters and a diameter of 1400 millimeters. According to a representative of a Norwegian company with expertise in the laying of submarine pipelines for the task will be drawn at least 10 vessels of 4-5 thousand tons each, and the supply ship, tug and 4 the anchors suppliers, one Research vessel. But according to the specialists of JSC «Murmansk Shipping Company» we can do the same by fewer ships and thus reduce costs, to use type SA-15, available at the company, capable of a flight to carry 446 pipes to board and unload their pipeline using their taps. JSC «MSCo» specialists already have developed the scheme of placement of cargo in the holds, delivery and unloading of containers, wheeled and tracked equipment, oil and gas equipment weighing up to 200 tons, general cargo to shore unequipped. Offer to participate in the implementation of the Shtokman project in the delivery of Arctic shipping company ready to meet head-on. Today JSC «Murmansk Shipping Company» is a holding company that includes a fleet of three Russian shipping companies - JSC «Murmansk Shipping Company», JSC «Northern Shipping Company», JSC «Northern River Shipping Company». It has 305 vessels for various purposes, the total deadweight of about 2 million tons of tanker deadweight of 150 thousand tons and the dry cargo, including ice class, river tugs and barges. This arsenal and experience are the real guarantee for the tasks of any complexity. Two JSC «MSCo» passenger ships «Polaris» and «Klavdiya Elanskaya» may be interested in «Shtokman Development AG». Passenger capacity of them is as follows: 70 and 204. These vessels may become the vehicle that will ensure the delivery of shift changes and Teriberka, and drilling and technology platforms. At first, before the erection of a shift of settlement for builders, construction of port freight processing facility in Teriberka they could live on the capacity of 164 persons floating hostel, owned by JSC «MSCo». JSC «MSCo» however with a modern fleet implementing a strategic program of development of marine transportation, commissioning of new modern vessels under the Russian flag. In accordance with the strategic development of the company until 2010, it will provide for fleet renewal by 80%, mainly due to the purchase and construction of new vessels that will meet all the requirements of customers. The reality today is this: just JSC «Murmansk Shipping Company» is dedicated to the Arctic transport fleet and the company is certified according to international quality standards. Not fleet single onlyJSC «MSCo» production activities and development strategy implements in close coordination with its subsidiaries, which are very diverse. That is the construction of hydraulic facilities, and transportation, agriculture and reclamation, sales of petroleum products and the media. There is shipping and dredging equipment available in the arsenal. One of the subsidiaries of JSC «MSCo» - JSC «Trust Murmanskmorstroy», perspectives which can be directly linked to the construction of offshore and onshore facilities in Teriberka. This company has the technology, expertise and experience in erection and reconstruction of sea berths, the establishment of offshore transshipment complexes, engineering protection of marine and river banks, installing floating dock and moorings, buildings construction and reconstruction. There are pontoons, cranes, motor vehicles, bulldozers and excavators in the company. All this enables JSC «Murmansk Shipping Company» to develop and implement a project to build its own bunkering base in the Kola Bay. This base is being equipped with new equipment, modern technology will help address the lack of bunkering facilities at the port of Murmansk. Another major project, which is working out - this is the construction of the port complex in the non-freezing, deep Volokovaya Great Bay on the Rybachy peninsula, which will be shipped via oil and bulk cargo. The JSC «MSCo» drilling and exploration Office is engaged in exploration and survey work on the peninsula Rybachy. The Office carries out deep drilling for oil and gas as well as carrying out exploration work on the search for solid minerals. Existing rigs permit to build a deep well - 2600 m and 5000 m. The world advances JSC «MSCo», demonstrating the professionalism of specialists and technical equipment, the creation of the first in the North-West road transshipment complex in the Kola Bay, the construction and six year operation Arctic underwater cargo terminal for shipment of oil to Varandey only in the Russia. Method and system of one-pillar mooring and servicing ships, developed by the specialists of JSC «MSCo» protected the Patent of Russian Federation in 2002 and United States patent in 2007. JSC «Murmansk Shipping Company» uses all of its intellectual, technical and financial capacity to meet the challenges when the situation so requires and the interest of partners. Yuri Banko
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